Convergence: Land, Water, Wind, Isle of Skye
Convergence results from a years-long journey to secure the artist residency on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, where wool is a staple of life. It marks Keelor's transition to a full-time art practice centered
on fiber creations. The multimedia work ponders the movements and spectacles where land, water, wind, and relics from past civilizations coalesce. The patterns meld or clash, like the land in Skye that is sharpened into looming bayonets or smoothed into
titanic emerald cakes. It indicates the wind there that veers from whispering to wicked in moments, and the ever-present water raging below cliffs or trickling down mountains. The hooked centers of the wet felted circles were formed by legions of stabs
and indicate Scottish Highlander shields, the area's ancient fairy circles, and the need to repel the destructive climate change afoot on Skye. The woven reed armature honors the generations of weavers on Skye and the Gullah basket weavers in Charleston, South Carolina,
where the artist resided at the time.
on fiber creations. The multimedia work ponders the movements and spectacles where land, water, wind, and relics from past civilizations coalesce. The patterns meld or clash, like the land in Skye that is sharpened into looming bayonets or smoothed into
titanic emerald cakes. It indicates the wind there that veers from whispering to wicked in moments, and the ever-present water raging below cliffs or trickling down mountains. The hooked centers of the wet felted circles were formed by legions of stabs
and indicate Scottish Highlander shields, the area's ancient fairy circles, and the need to repel the destructive climate change afoot on Skye. The woven reed armature honors the generations of weavers on Skye and the Gullah basket weavers in Charleston, South Carolina,
where the artist resided at the time.